How To Protect Your Clothes From Pests

AGJ Pest Management

Learn all about how you can protect your clothes from pests, such as moths and carpet beetles. These pests love your clothes to the point of destruction. Stop the destruction and read our guide below for expert advice and tips.

What Type of Pests Eat Clothes?

Aside from moths that are well known for destroying clothes, other pests like cockroaches, beetles, silverfish and termites love your outfits. Their targets are wool, fur, hair fibres, cotton, linen, and even synthetic fabrics. In addition, they can lay eggs on your clothing that hatch into hungry larva that eat your clothing. If you care about your clothes, you must be vigilant about not letting pests get to your clothes in the first place.

How Do I Protect my Clothes from Pests?

To stop or reduce fabric-damaging pests wreaking havoc on your clothes, follow these simple prevention tips.

Always Clean Your Clothes Before Storing

Remember clothing easily picks up a range of of dirt, food stains, hair, and perfumes that are attractive to pests. It’s important to have your clothes cleaned before to store them. Store them away from clothes that you wear regularly after you have them cleaned, as your everyday worn clothes can carry bacteria.

Keep Closets and Drawers Clean and Dry

The best way to stop pests attacking your clothing is to keep the places that you store them clean and dry. Make sure that you regularly vacuum your closets and drawers to keep them free of pests or dirt that might attract insects. If you notice any pest droppings as you are cleaning, call your local pest management company. They will carry out proper extermination to eliminate them for good.

Natural Pest Control

If you want to avoid harsh pesticides or smelly moth balls,

natural pest control is an excellent option. Cedar or lavender (oil or spray) is considered an excellent natural pest fabric repellent. When the scent starts to fade, apply more. Storing clothing in enclosed containers will help preserve the effectiveness of the repellent. There are other natural products on the market that are environmentally safe and effective.

Use Breathable Garment Bags, Not Regular Plastic

Avoid storing your clothes in plastic bags, as plastic can give your clothing an odd smell that attracts pests. In addition, it can discolour or degrade your clothing as air is unable to get in. The solution is garment bags, which are breathable and will keep your clothing clean and safe from most pests.

Now that you know how to protect your clothing from pests, put the above advice into immediate action. For more great tips and assistance with any pest problems at your place, contact AGJ Pest Management today.